Designer Resources

10 Terms Every Print & Graphic Designer Should Know

Do you know the difference between a font and typeface? What about the difference between a raster and a vector? If you don’t, never fear. Every industry has its jargon, and graphic design is no exception. There’s even jargon within the jargon – a web designer operates according to an

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The Evolution of Logos from 1886 to Now

If you’ve ever taken a quiz like this one, you know that some logos are easily recognizable and some are a bit more obscure. A logo is a “sign, symbol, trademark, or badge that conveys the identity or ownership of a product, company, campaign, or concept in as memorable a

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When Do I Use What File Type?

Each common graphic design file type is suited for a different use, from printing to computer-based graphics to editable files. Before you choose a file type, you always should consider what that file will be used for. Not sure what a .PDF, .EPS, or .GIF file is? Check out our

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10 Commandments of Visual Communication [INFOGRAPHIC]

Design is design, whether you’re a casual crafter or a professional designer. The same principles apply to creating a great scrapbook page or handmade card and designing a winning logo, report, or advertisement. Design Mantic put together an awesome infographic that will help any crafter or designer take their projects

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.JPG, .EPS, .PSD, Oh My!: Common Design File Types Explained

Gone are the days when the only file types were hand-drawn graphics or simple pieces of paper fed through a typewriter. In today’s digital world, file types abound – and they can be confusing. To help take the mystery out of the bewildering array of file type acronyms, we’ve created

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Back to Basics: 10 Graphic Design Fundamentals

If your graphic design projects are getting a little repetitive, check out SuzyQ’s 10 design tips for great scrapbook pages. Yes, you read that correctly. Good design is good design, regardless of whether your documenting your dog’s half birthday or creating a multi-page press kit for a new product launch.

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CMYK and RGB Color: Which One Should You Use?

Remember when “coloring” meant “Crayola” and the hardest decision you had to make was whether to use “real” colors or go crazy and color the sky yellow instead of blue? Now that we’re adults, color is a bit more complicated. Instead of 24 crayons to choose from, we have over

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Picking the Perfect Paper [Infographic]

Picking the perfect paper is about more than choosing a color, pattern, or texture – it’s also about choosing the perfect paper weight! Different weights are designed for different uses. Using the right (or wrong!) paper can make or break your project, so we’ve created an infographic to keep you

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