21 Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids & Adults

When the stores pack away their tinsel and replace their Christmas decorations with a profusion of pink, red and white, you know Valentine’s Day is coming.

Instead of spending money on the same old store-bought cards, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite free printables Valentine’s cards for kids and adults. Whether you’re making cards for your kids to take to school or want to surprise your special someone with a thoughtful missive, we’ve got you covered.

Valentine’s Cards for Kids

Print off these fun cards and send them along this Valentine’s Day for your kids to pass out to their friends at school.

1. Colorable Bookmarks

Your kids and their friends don’t have to worry about losing their place in a book again with these fun printable Valentine’s Day bookmarks.

Download the printable files from Carla Schauer.

2. Star Wars

These cards are perfect for your little rebels! Tack on a sweet lightsaber and you’re good to go.

Get the printables from the Idea Room.

3. Lego

These Lego printables are a fun way to build some Valentine’s excitement!

Download the printables from Sippy Cup Mom.

4. One in a Melon

Your kids can let their friends know just how special and unique they are with these fun colorful Valentines cards.

Get the printable files from My Frugal Adventures.

5. Emojis

This clever take on one of our favorite emojis is just perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Download the printables from The Gracious Wife.

6. Pokemon

The Pokemon Go craze may have died down a bit, but one thing’s for sure – Pokemon are here to stay. Your kids’ friends will love these Valentine’s cards.

Get the printables from Sarah Halstead.

7. Dinosaurs

Who doesn’t love a good dinosaur pun? These dino-mite Valentine’s are spot on!

Download the printable files from About A Mom.

8. Fun Fruit

These cute cards will make your kids’ friends and classmates go bananas!

Get the printables from Live Laugh Rowe.

9. Bursting with Happiness

Give your kids a sweet treat with these fun Starburst Valentines.

Download the printables from Yellow Bliss Road.

10. Superheroes

Your friends can show their friends how super they really are with these cute printables from the Dating Divas. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the download link.

Download the printable files from the Dating Divas.

11. Tic Tac Toe

This classic game is a fun activity for your kids to share with their friends. Crayons optional!

Get the printables from Craftivity Designs.

12. Coloring Cards

If Tic Tac Toe isn’t up your kids’ alley, these colorable cards are a cute alternative.

Download the printable files from Craftaholics Anonymous.

13. Valentine’s for Teachers

Don’t forget about your kids’ teachers! A small token of appreciation never goes unnoticed, especially around Valentine’s Day.

Download these printable cards from My Frugal Adventures.

For Adults

These printable Valentine’s are more appropriate for adults, and they’re perfect for your sweetheart.

14. Fortune Cookies

Who needs a fancy dinner for Valentine’s Day? Stay in with your special someone and order takeout, then slip them one of these cute fortune cookie cards for dessert.

Get the printables and learn how to make your own on Evermine.

15. Gift tags

If you got your sweetheart a gift for Valentine’s Day, wrap it up with these free printable gift tags.

Get the printables from Style Curator.

16. Valentines for Coworkers

Who said Valentine’s Day cards are just for kids? Print off these fun work-friendly cards and surprise your coworkers!

Download the printables here.

17. Star Wars for Adults

These hilarious Star Wars puns are perfect for older fans.

Get the files from the Dating Divas.

18. Love You Deerly

We can’t resist a good pun! These minimalist Valentines cards really hit the mark.

Download the files from The Birch Cottage.


Envelopes are an easy way to step up your Valentine’s game if you’re giving a card or a gift to your loved ones. Here are two easy printable envelopes:

19. Mini Envelopes

These miniature printable envelopes are perfect for sending small sweet nothings.

Get the printables from Clementine Creative.

20. Sweet Hearts

Spruce up a plain white envelope with this free printable design:

Download the printables from Greetings Island in whatever size you need. These white envelopes are perfect for the job:

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