Much more than your average get well card this is sure to make someone feel a little better. With two shades of metallic blue card stock and matching blue accents the color fits with the theme of being under the weather. The card features a great technique for creating a watercolor polka dot pattern on card stock.

- ColorMates Smooth & Silky Black
- ColorMates Smooth & Silky White
- Petallics Starburst Lichen Card Stock
- Petallics Blue Star Card Stock
- Aspire Petallics Black Ore
- Yasutomo Pearlescent Watercolors
- The Crafter’s Workshop Mini Swiss Dot Stencil
- Stamps: My Favorite Things Blue Skies Ahead, Our
- Daily Bread Designs Mini Tags
- Die Cut Templates: Spellbinders Labels Twenty-five,
- My Favorite Things Umbrella, Papertrey Ink
- Banners
- Stampin’ Up Flower Punch

This card was designed by Gloria Stengel. To see more of her designs visit