Picking the Perfect Paper [Infographic]

Picking the perfect paper is about more than choosing a color, pattern, or texture – it’s also about choosing the perfect paper weight!

Different weights are designed for different uses. Using the right (or wrong!) paper can make or break your project, so we’ve created an infographic to keep you on the right track.

The last thing you want is to start your project only to get halfway done and realize you’ve wasted your time and money using the wrong paper. Now you can make sure you get started the right way the first time.

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					<p><strong>Please include attribution to blog.thepapermillstore.com with this graphic.</strong></p><a href="’https://blog.thepapermillstore.com/picking-the-perfect-paper-infographic’" data-wpel-link="internal"><img src=’https://blog.thepapermillstore.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Guide-to-Picking-the-Perfect-Paper.png’ alt=’Your Guide to Picking the Perfect Paper’ width=’800px’ border=’0′ /></a>

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